"Filter text on regex."
I want to find all text snippets containing 1 or several words via regex. if I write select Filter Examples, and set it to "Expression" and provide it with: finds(Text, "(?i)\blootbox|micro\b") it doesn't work, although it is syntactically correct.
If I remove |micro, it only returns all snippts that contain lootbox - why does it not return an example with one of them? If I use RapidMiner's regex checker on some dummy data it works with the match on both of them, just not with "Filter Examples".
Kindly help!
Well, this expression actually IS an exact match ;-)
So I assume you would like to only match if there is a non-word character before and after? Is that what you mean? In this case, the correct expression is finds([Text],".*\\W+lootbox\\W+.*|.*\\W+micro\\W+.*") - process below.
Please note however that in this case you would also no longer find plurals easily, so for example "lootboxes" would not trigger this any longer.
<?xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf - 8 " ?> <过程版本sion="9.2.000">