Operator not visible after installing extension

surabhisurabhi MemberPosts:7Contributor II
edited December 2018 inHelp


I want to make my own operator in rapidminer. I am using extension template provided on git. I am editing it as per instructions. But after installing it I am not able to see it in operator tree although its there in manage extensions.

Please help me.

Best Answer

  • surabhisurabhi MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    Solution Accepted


    I got solution.

    The problem was with tutorial documentation. In documentation, it is specified that package for operator should be named *com.rapidminer.extension.operator*.

    But the case is this should be named as com.rapidminer.extension.YourOperatorName.

    And this *YourOperatorName* should be specified in OperatorsNAME.xml.

    I am sharing screenshots from manual/documentaion.


    Thomas_Ott 21310122


  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, MemberPosts:96RM Research


    please check your src/main/resources folder. There you need a xml file named "OperatorsNameOfYourExtension.xml". In it you define a key which is linked to the operator class that should be used and an icon. A possible file could look like this:


    One option is, that you linked the class incorrectly. For the given example the class file MyClassName.class is located in a package named 'com.rapidminer.extension.nameofyourextension' in the src/main/java folder.

    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi MemberPosts:7Contributor II


    I did as you said. But it is still not working. I am posting snapshots for your reference.



    1.JPG 53.6K
    operator.JPG 44.2K
  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, MemberPosts:96RM Research

    Looks fine so far.

    Please check again, if you followed along all steps provided in thedocumentation, esp.steps 2and3. If it still fails, could you provide your build.gradle as well as your operator class, please?

    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi MemberPosts:7Contributor II


    I am attaching archived project *demo*. Please reply soon.



    demo.zip 113.2K
  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, MemberPosts:96RM Research

    Please follow along the tutorial in the documentation I linked a post ago. You'll find step-by-step instructions, that will help you in creating your first operator covering the things I hinted before and in this post.

    E.g., you need to uncomment the tags in the xml files (e.g. in OperatorsDemo.xml and OperatorsDocDemo.xml) and provide a java class file with your operator code. I couldn't find one in the files you provided. The class file is supposed to be in src/main/java in a package called com.rapidminer.extension.youroperatorname as e.g. YourClassName.java.

    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi MemberPosts:7Contributor II


    The class file is in src/main/java in a package called com.rapidminer.extension.operator as e.g. myownoperator.java. Please check.


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