"Running an xml process file with the API"

emolanoemolano MemberPosts:13Contributor II
edited May 2019 inHelp
Hi there,
I have an xml process file. It runs fine with the rapidminer GUI. Is it possible to run it from a java application using the API?
I know one could be rewrite the process using the API
something like inputOperator = OperatorService.createOperator("DatabaseExampleSource");
// set parameters
inputOperator.setParameter("database_system", "MySQL"); ...

but I just want to run my existing xml process file within an eclipse project.

Thanks. Help is appreciated.


  • steffensteffen MemberPosts:347Maven
    Hello emolano

    I assume you have read chapter 7 of the tutorial.pdf.

    The requested can be perform like this:

    File processFile = new File("d:/test.xml");
    if (!processFile.exists()){throw new Exception("File '" + processFile.getAbsolutePath()+ "' does not exist!");}
    Process process = RapidMiner.readProcessFile(processFile);
    IOContainer input = new IOContainer();
    IOContainer output = process.run(input);
    hope this was helpful


  • emolanoemolano MemberPosts:13Contributor II
    Thanks. It woks fine.
    Here my code with the init part:

    import java.io.File;
    import com.rapidminer.Process;
    import com.rapidminer.RapidMiner;
    import com.rapidminer.operator.*;

    public class executeXMLModel {

    公共静态void main (String [] argv)抛出例外eption {

    String modelFile="C:/Documents and Settings/emolano/My Documents/rm_workspace/mining/platform/xmlModel.xml";

    // set properties to point to plugin directory
    String pluginDirString = new File("C:\\Program_Files\\Rapid-I\\RapidMiner\\lib\\plugins").getAbsolutePath();
    System.setProperty(RapidMiner.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_INIT_PLUGINS_LOCATION, pluginDirString);
    // set properties - rapid miner home
    String path="C:\\Program Files\\Rapid-I\\RapidMiner\\";
    System.setProperty("rapidminer.home",path );

    // initialization
    RapidMiner.init(false, true, true, true);

    File processFile = new File(modelFile);
    if (!processFile.exists()){throw new Exception("File '" + processFile.getAbsolutePath()+ "' does not exist!");}
    Process process = RapidMiner.readProcessFile(processFile);
    IOContainer input = new IOContainer();
    IOContainer output = process.run(input);

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